About the Friends

Established in 1973, the Friends of the Library fund programs for children, teens, and adults, as well as the library's popular Museum Pass program, furnishings, and other library equipment.

Gayle Fogarty and Sara Martin, co-presidents; Susan Magee, clerk; Jo Ayers, treasurer
Board members
Jo Ayers, Karen Ball, Mary Bandouveres, Jennifer Banker,  Gayle Fogarty, Karen Grycel, Martha Lyman, Susan Magee, Sara Martin and Tanja Olson.

Student liasions - Allison Demetri, Caroline Euber

Membership rates
Senior (65 and older) - $15
Individual (19-64) - $25
Couples - $35
Family - $40
Patron - $50
Benefactor - $100

Please note that online renewals and donations will be reflected as "NEPM" on your financial statement.  (New England Promotional Materials)
Click here to join/renew or donate online.

Click here for a downloadable form.

If you have any questions or suggestions about the Friends, or would like to update your contact information or email address, please email friends@wilbrahamlibrary.org

The benefits of a WFOL membership include:

  • The satisfaction of knowing you are supporting and enhancing an important community resource
  • Quarterly issues of the WFOL newsletter, Library News
  • Early notification of Friends events

WFOL augments town funding for library offerings and resources for adult, teens, and children such as:

  • Story times
  • Musical performances
  • Film nights
  • Book discussion groups
  • Summer and winter reading programs
  • Art exhibits
  • Guest lectures
  • Museum passes

WFOL raises funds for the library primarily through:

  • WFOL membership dues
  • Donations
  • Profits from book sales and special events

Volunteering with the the WFOL
The Friends are a group of people who have common interests:  we care about our library, our town and our neighbors.  At the same time, we have a wide range of interests, backgrounds and commitment levels.  Some of us get involved in everything, some take a two-hour shift at the book sale.

The Friends sponsor a variety of events that can always use an extra pair of hands - such as the annual book sale and the annual art show.

In addition, we sometimes need help with a quick legal or accounting questions, help folding and sending out a mailing or a quick proof-read of a document - Valuable help that would mean a lot to the Friends, but wouldn't be a significant commitment of time.

If you see a Friends event that interests you, please contact us!  If you find you have some extra time and want to give back to the library. please contact us!  If you have a talent you want us to be aware of fo rthe future, please contact us!

No matter your life experience, talents, or time availablity, there is a place for you with the Friends.

WFOL Gardening Group Sign Ups
We invite you to register to assist our WFOL Gardeners in maintaining our landscaping. Many hands make light work! 

For more information about helping the Friends, email friends@wilbrahamlibrary.org.

Click here for the Friends Facebook Page.